On Demand Briefings


USDA/EPA Data Collection, Compilation, Communication, and Reporting for Projects/Studies

This EPA briefing is scheduled for 45-minutes maximum and will include a product overview of the iAdvantage eStudy platform. eStudy is in use by organizations reporting data to EPA and its use assists scientists, program management, and leadership with clean data collection.


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EPA/FDA Data Collection at NAICC San Antonio (Virtual Report)

This briefing will focus on data EPA and FDA briefing is scheduled for 45-minutes and will include a product overview of how the iAdvantage eStudy platform is utilized to manage EPA and FDA data collection and integrity. eStudy is in use by organizations reporting data to EPA and its use assists scientists, program management, and leadership who require clean, verifiable data collection. This helps address agency challenges with R&D data integrity and provide best practices for effective design protocols to ensure data quality that minimizes data cleansing delays and costs while maintaining strict EPA regulatory compliance and 100% data integrity requirements.


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